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Apical Resection (Surgical)

Apical resection, also known as apicoectomy or root-end resection, is an endodontic treatment method that can be applied to both children and adults with the aim of saving at-risk teeth when root canal treatment alone is not sufficient in stubborn cases.

Apicoectomy, also known as root-end filling, root-end surgery, or retrograde root canal treatment, is an endodontic procedure that involves the removal of the root apex and filling the root-end cavity with a special root-end filling material.

Apical resection can be performed in cases where conventional root canal treatment has failed, when an infection develops after root canal treatment, when repeating root canal treatment is not successful, and in various cases due to anatomical, pathological, and traumatic reasons.

Apical resection surgery is a surgical procedure that takes about 30 minutes under local anesthesia. After making a small incision in the gums, infected tissues are removed. If the infection at the root apex of the tooth starts to affect neighboring teeth, root canal treatment and root-end resection can be performed, including those adjacent teeth.

If the cavity formed by the removal of a cystic structure is large, the soft tissue is closed by suturing. The sutures are removed approximately 7 days after the surgery. Following the apical resection procedure, carefully following the dentist’s recommendations will minimize potential complications and accelerate the healing process.