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Retreatment is the term used to describe the renewal of root canal treatment when inflammation, abscess formation, or pain occurs beneath a tooth that has already undergone canal treatment. Retreatment is also performed when the root canal fillings of a tooth that will be used as an abutment for a bridge are poorly and unhealthily done.

Retreatment or revision refers to the renewal of root canal treatment for any reason. The main goal of root canal treatment, an endodontic treatment method, is to completely eliminate microorganisms from the root canal system. If a problem persists in a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment, the tooth can be retreated for a second or third time.

The Main Causes of Root Canal Treatment Failure;

  • Perforation,
  • Overfilling of the canal,
  • Creation of ledges in the canal,
  • Inadequate root canal fillings,
  • Presence of bacteria in the root canal system,
  • Procedural errors during treatment.

Retreatment, also known as revision, is a frequently performed procedure in root canal treatments today. With the expertise of an endodontist, highly successful results can be achieved.

A tooth that has undergone root canal treatment should be examined by an endodontic specialist every six months. Although the tooth can be largely saved with retreatment or revision, in some cases, it may not be sufficient alone. In such cases, success can be achieved through the option of root end resection.

How is Retreatment Done?

The revision of the root canal treatment is similar to the initial procedure. In the process of renewing root canal treatment, the root canal fillings in the canals are first removed. To ensure proper sterilization, special medications are placed in the tooth cavity, and the tooth cavity is temporarily sealed.

After an average of 7-10 days, the temporary filling is removed, the canal is cleaned, and if the infection has completely healed, a permanent root canal filling is placed. If the infection persists, the treatment can continue until the stubborn infection is healed.

Depending on the patient’s condition, the procedure may take two or more sessions. However, with the technological advancements of our era, the expertise of the endodontist, and sufficient time, root canal treatments can also be successfully completed in a single session.